Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Getting Oriented...

Well we're mostly settled into our new home in Cleveland Heights and now it's, quite literally, time to get oriented.  I had my orientation on July 28th and learned that in order to complete my MSSA I'll need to______________ and then once I've received my degree I can use it to begin a meaningful career doing ____________________.  Gosh, I really hope they review those details at some point during the semester because I may not have been listening as well as I could have been.  I was fairly perturbed about the way orientation had cut into my 76th straight hour of reading Kristin Hannah novels (thanks, Molly!) and I think that really pulled my focus.  I will, however, be speaking to my field advisor tomorrow.  I got an email from her today telling me that there's someone at the Hanna Perkins Center, my top choice for field placement, expecting a call from me! 

Nicholas had his second day of orientation today.  He took a tour of the campus and got assigned the lockers for storing all of his instruments.  They also took the class picture for Case Western Reserve University's DMD class of 2015 .  I suggested that he don a striped sweater, red ski cap and glasses so that way all future CWRU dental students can have fun spotting him in the photo.  Suffice to say that my suggestion was ignored and he went with a more traditional (read: boring) look for the photo.  Now he's back home and raiding on World of Warcraft while I write this and take in the dulcet tones of Tolliver and Pythagoras battling each other for dominion over the second floor of the house.

More news to come soon and definitely photos of our new house.  It's nice and roomy and provides us with the ultimate luxury...distance from the kitty litters.

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