Thursday, August 2, 2012

Happy Thursday to you! Happy Thursday to you! Happy Thursday, dear Alice! Happy Thursday to you!

What has two thumbs, speaks limited French and didn't cry this year on her birthday?

This moi!
Indeed, it was a very happy Smithday for me.  And if you don't know what that means, I'm certainly not going to explain it to you (See, my youth may be fleeting; but my immaturity is holding strong). And as someone, whose name I won't mention, kept reminding me, this was the 20th anniversary of my 7th birthday. was Molly
For those of you who don't remember, that was a very good birthday...a day about which I cherish countless wonderful memories.

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 A day that nobody could have ruined... was Molly
 Besides, who can remember what happened in 1992 anyway?! The spunky little genius who kept this journal for Mrs. Miller's bet kakhol, that's who:

As you might suspect, the journal reflects sweet, sensitive nature of my angelic childhood self.

Perfect child
Adult with extremely selective memory

In going back and re-reading my 20 year old journal, I realized how completely I failed to live up to my own expectations for myself.  As a 7 year old I prognosticated that in 10 years I would have completed some revolutionary scientific work.  To be more precise, I wrote:  "10 years from now I will make a animle that is hafe dinosr hafe monkey.  My mom is going to go crazy because I can't find a home for it."

If I had to take a guess, I would say that 7 year old me was envisioning something like this:

But with one of these:

And definitely one of these:

Alas, as I'm sure you can imagine, 17 was a busy year for me with college applications and all...thus, I never did get around to making that Monkeysaur.  I'm sorry, 7 year old me, for not having created that abomination that you so whimsically concocted in your crazy little head.  If it makes you feel any better, 17 wasn't a complete bust.  It's the year that I had this very useful photo taken:
Uniquely good photo with not one but TWO open eyes
And if that doesn't do it for you, 7 year old me, remember that your prediction had two parts:

  1. That you would violate the laws of nature by creating the world's first Monkeysaur
  2. That your mother would go crazy.

So rejoice, the intervening 20 years definitely made good on part 2.
...and it didn't even take a Monkeysaur

And now, I will echo what I've decided are your sentiments, and wish me a happy birthday. 

...Also, 7 and 17 year old me, I just want to let you know that we landed a hottie.
