Friday, December 2, 2011

Gray Days

Well, the didactic portion of Nicholas' first semester of dental school is over.  He did really well and we're both very proud of the hard work that he's done.  At this point he's been going into the under-served areas of Cleveland and putting sealants on the teeth of public school children so that they don't get cavities.

Hard at work
This is a really wonderful program that Case has established and the dental students do a lot of very hard work.  And besides, why wouldn't you hand over your children to strange men doing charity work?

Oh, yeah.
As for me, I'm in process of writing all of my final papers.  I must say I'm handling it well:
Artist's rendering
Okay, fine, maybe I've been a little stressed as the end of the semester approaches; but I'll rally.  I have to.  Cause, really, who ever heard of a crazy mental health professional?
 Oh, yeah.

School aside, autumn in Cleveland has been really nasty.  We've had a ton of gray days and inches upon inches of rain.  Take a look at our back yard from this past weekend:
 Clearly God's covenant never to flood the world again does not extend to the suburbs of Cleveland.  You know where I'll bet it never floods...
It's a bible joke AND a gay joke
Well, I'm busy with finals so that's all for now.

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